The code of conduct for students is formulated to improve overall development of the students by creating a conducive environment that showcases excellence, inclusiveness, integrity, justice, equity, respect, accountability and dynamic. All the students should read, understand and comply with the rules and regulations of the college for smooth functioning of the college and maintaining the academic atmosphere in the college premises. The purpose of this code of conduct is to make progress towards the achievement of the mission and vision of the college
- Students should maintain the highest standard of discipline and behave appropriately both inside and outside the college campus. They should observe the regulatory policy of the college to value and support the college community which has diverse background.
- Students must strictly follow the dress code of the college. Without proper college uniform, no student is allowed to enter in the lecture/exam hall.
- Students must be punctual and regular in the classes, practical, tutorials, seminars, internal assessment tests etc. They should maintain at least 75 per cent of attendance in each semester necessary for appearing the university examination at the end of the semester.
- Students should maintain silence and order strictly inside the lecture halls/seminar halls/laboratories/library/corridors/verandah/park/court yard of the college in all the times.
- Students should imbibe the habit of checking the notice boards of the college/departments and college website for important information.
- Students should comply with the rules of laboratories library and multi-gym. They should utilize the facilities and resources without causing any damage to it.
- No students shall loiter and gather in the verandah/corridors/staircase/canteen/park/college yard during the class timing. During the off time/leisure they are allowed to sit in the reading room/library/common room/club/multi-gym etc.
- Students should attend counseling sessions conducted by their mentors and feel freedom to illuminate their personality/career/academic difficulties/problems to find the way out.
- It is mandatory for students to present in the internal assessment test/seminars/assignments/project works and they should strictly follow the deadlines for submission of assignments/ project reports as assigned to them.
- Students should utilize each and every facility/resource of the college with proper care. Any damage caused to the college property, misbehavior with the girl students, manhandling of a person inside the campus and defacing of the building, walls, pillars, windows, wash rooms, furniture etc. by writing and scratching on them or sticking bills/posters is breach of discipline of the college and will attract disciplinary actions against them.
- Ragging of any form is strictly prohibited in the college premises. Disciplinary action will be taken against the student/students who is/are involving in such activities.
- Smoking, chewing pan, tobacco products, consumption of alcohol and narcotic drugs is strictly prohibited in the college premises. Violation of this rule will attract disciplinary action against them.
- Any sort of malpractice and unfair means during unit test/college/university examinations will not be tolerated and will be deemed to be serious and punishable offenses.
- Students are prohibited from organizing any function/programme inside the college premises without prior permission/approval of the principal. They are also prohibited from speaking/publishing on behalf/for the college in print or electronic media without genuine written permission of the principal.
- Students should treat the members of the college community and their fellow students in a fair and constructive manner in and outside the College campus. They shall, by their act or conduct, cause no damage/hurt to the reputation of the institution.