Teachers’ Code of Conduct is the guiding principles for the professional, moral ethics and developing human values of teachers in the institute. The code of conduct indicates difference in performances/level/value of teachers which are being functioned in the institute within or beyond conducts. This disseminates duties/responsibilities/consciousness of teachers for the students to mould them good human beings in the society/state/nation. Lastly, this code of conduct is to develop the expectation from teachers to forward students for making them good citizenship.
- Deliver all classes with well plan and documentation regarding to the schedule of classes and within the semester period to enrich solid knowledge of the subject and to complete the syllabus.
- Discharge their duties effectively to produce objective learning outcome of the students per period, per semester, per course and per program.
- Update subject knowledge and skill of the curriculum to reach absolute and effective in teaching-learning processes in the college with deep study and participation to Faculty Induction Programme regularly and periodically.
- Be mentor of a group of students in each semester to conduct and guide in all activities of the college for participation and detail information. Mentors should collect the contact numbers not only of their mentees but also of mentees’ guardians.
- Participate in discussion/analysis/dissections/meeting to introduce new ideas and innovation for the development in all sections of the college by suggestions/feedbacks/proposes in the interest of the institution.
- Deliver to the students using different methods of teaching like lectures, tutorials, practical, project and field works, and demonstrations continuously with caution and dedication.
- Coordinate amongst them to take up continuous internal examination, assignments, presentations for students or any kind of activity of the college/departments. They should conduct all the academic activities on time.
- Not be allowed to absent themselves to their duties/assignments given by the authority of the college at any time without prior permission from the principal/higher authority of the college. But they might take leave of absent to duties/assignments in case of sickness on medical ground prescribed by a registered physician within one week.
- Conform/abide the provisions, Statutes, Standard Code, Ordinances, Rules and Regulations of the college and directives and decisions given by the Competent Authority of the college. The faculties shall also observe/comply/obey to all orders and instructions being given from time to time.
- Not associate with any political party/any other organizational activities except that of related to students like student exchange programs/collaborative work with other institutions/NGOs/Industries.
- Not bring any political hand/pressure from outside to the college in the matter of organizational/service/any issue related to the college. In case there is any kind of issue, it will be resolved in the institution itself in consultation with the faculties along with the supporting staff of the college.
- Not involve in allegation/strike/criticisms against the college or Government of Manipur for any reason instead suggestions/ideas/feedback from the critical forward thinking to resolve the matter/matters.
- Organize teacher-parents/guardians meet at least once in one academic year for the purpose for exchange of ideas mutually and sharing knowledge for the benefit of students as well as of the institution. All the mentors (faculties) may present reports of their mentee’s (students) performances/conducts to the guardian whenever/whatever/whichever necessary.
- Try to organize outreach/extension programmes to the neighboring institutes or community for social issue/entrepreneurship/self-employment through awareness/training thereof for sustainable development.
- Perform the academic duties and works related to examinations as assigned by the competent authority.
- Not refuse to carry out the academic and administrative decisions taken by the Principal/statuary body.
- Not be partial in the internal assessment of students or deliberately over range mark/underestimate mark which makes victimization of the students in any case.
- Undertake teaching assignments/allotments as per decision taken in departmental meetings with the consent of all departmental staffs under the chair of Head of the department. The assigned teaching work load of the faculties should be carried out in a regular and punctual manner for the benefit of the students and achieving good performance in the examination.
- Use all the advantages of ICT infrastructure setups in the college for delivery of classes to make better understanding of the ideas of topic/concept/subject of discussion. This method should inevitably help, guide, encourage and assist the students in effective and successful teaching-learning process.
- Monitor the attendance and performance of their respective group of students assigned to them. Besides the above monitoring work, teachers shall assist the students to the academic and other co-curricular activities assigned to them.
- Follow the rules of leave of all kinds given by the department of University and Higher Education, Government of Manipur as well as some guidelines given by the competent authority of the college from time to time.
- Have study leave for higher studies from the college. It is to be granted to the particular staff if he/she has applied to the principal in the case of manageable conditions being found in the block/department for the specified period of time.
- Be encouraged to write and publish subject reference books of all semesters according to curriculum and syllabus. They are encouraged not only to publish their findings research in reputed Journals and take up Research projects from different funding agencies but also to present papers in conferences/symposiums/seminars.
- Be encouraged and energized to behave with democratic approach for any demand to the authority of the institute.
- Not contribute to any person/organization/Press/electronic media for any matter related to the college such as official documents/papers/information unless he/she has obtained the prior permission from the Competent Authority.
- Not apply for job or scholarship without the prior information/knowledge from the Competent Authority of the college.
- Not absent from the duty without permission from the Competent Authority. In case of inability to obtain thereof owing to circumstances, the same shall be intimated within 3 days for the absence, failing of which his or her absence may not be treated as leave and is liable to take suitable disciplinary action.
- Exercise integrity, unity, firmness, politeness, fairness, openness on their duties, professional commitments, responsibilities and actions for the interests of the students.
- Continuously learn through participation in various activities: workshops, trainings, conferences, refresher/orientation courses to enrich and strengthen their knowledge.
- Undertake internal assessment, pre-semester and semester-end examination as per allotted schedule given by the competent authority.
- Organize awareness/workshop/seminar/training programmes for overall academic development in the college.
- Respect the right and dignity of the students while expressing their opinion inside the class room and performing any academic and co-curricular activity in the college.
- Deal with the students with respect regardless of their place of birth, caste, creed, religion, race, sex, politico-economic, socio-cultural, physical characteristics, etc.
- Do not incite/provoke/instigate any student/staff to act against the rule of the college so as not to disrupt academic activities of the college.
- Coordinate all guests and students with courteous and polite language and also good behavior while seeking information from the college for any academic procedure under the rules and regulations of the college.
- Express free and frank opinions in the academic meetings for the contribution of knowledge only to bring forward development and progress of the college in terms of teaching-learning process, management, maintenance, and other developmental programs.
- Recognize the difference in aptitude and capabilities of the students and encourage them to bring them into the right direction for them in particular and society in general.
- Inculcate a scientific outlook and respect for the students on physical labor and ideals of democracy, patriotism, non-violence, peace, and harmony.
- Be loving and compassionate to the students to perform the activities assigned to them and not behave in any vindictive manner towards students for any reason.
- Pay proper attention to the assessment of the students on the basis of merit. It will forward the students to bring them on the right direction in the future.
- Arrange/ready to discharge available help and guide to the students even if it is beyond their class hours without any payment and remuneration.
- Develop students’ understanding of our regional and national heritage, national goals in education, and preserve culture and tradition inherited to the nation.
- Develop to recognize that education is a community service and strengthens socio-economic level, political stability, environmental sustainability, and uplifts the intellectual level of the people in the society.
- Develop the students’ mindset for taking part in solving social problems and understanding the ideas of duty, responsibility, professional ethic, moral ethic, and human value.
- Refrain from taking part in or subscribing to or assisting in any activity which tends to promote feelings of hatred or enmity among different communities, religious, and linguistic groups but work actively for National Integration too.
- Speak and treat with respect each and every staff member without any sense of caste, creed, religion, race, sex, profession, politico-economic, socio-cultural, and physical characteristics as well.
- Do not lodge any kind of unsubstantiated allegation against colleagues/group of students/committees of the college to the authority.